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How my Static Site Generator works

Published: 2023-09-24

My website is generated using a custom static site generator written in Rust. There are no reasons why a pre-existing generator couldn't be used, but writing my own is fun. While thinking about the code, I remembered that Rust has a feature called rustdoc and, more importantly, the ability to generate HTML from markdown attached to various syntactical elements such as function and struct declarations. With this in mind, I decided to write my static site generator that uses markdown attached to functions and a procedural macro. In effect, I have created a static site generator where the pages are created in similarly to rustdoc.

Example blog post

/// ### My blog post
/// This is *fun*.
#[blog_post(title = "My Blog Post", published = true, publish_date = "2023-01-01")]
pub(crate) fn example_post() {}


GitHub Pages is a cool service and having a personal website could come into use at a later date. Also, it is free. I can't complain about that. I decided that it would be novel to package as much of my site into a single binary. Rustdoc and maud allow me to template pages all within .rs source files. Furthermore, I wanted to try GitHub Actions and to see if a Nix Flake can be used to ease deployment. Shockingly, my pipeline managed to pull down the correct dependencies, compile the site, and deploy the first time.




The purpose of this project wasn't to create a useful or necessarily practical site. I am without constraints that a third-party solution may burden me with. However, I am entirely responsible for code the base and must implement all the features I desire myself.

See the Git repository here.